
Ubuntu vmware image for mac
Ubuntu vmware image for mac

ubuntu vmware image for mac
  1. Ubuntu vmware image for mac install#
  2. Ubuntu vmware image for mac download#

Govc vm.disk.change -vm Ubuntu1804Template -disk.label "Hard disk 1" -size 60G govc import.ova -options=ubuntu.json ~/Downloads/Ĭhange the VM size to 4 vCPUs, 4GB RAM, 60GB disk and set the disk.enableUUID=1 flag (needed for disk identification from the vSphere Cloud Provider in Kubernetes) govc vm.change -vm Ubuntu1804Template -c 4 -m 4096 -e="disk.enableUUID=1"

Ubuntu vmware image for mac download#

"Value": "ssh-rsa ]]] "ĭeploy the OVA with the customised OVF spec (you can pass the OVA URL to the below command instead of the file on your system, but it will first download to your local computer, then upload to the vCenter, it doesn’t hand off the download operation so is no faster).

ubuntu vmware image for mac

You can get your SSH public key by running cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub – note if you run this command and you don’t get an output – you probably need to generate an SSH key with ssh-keygen. It is necessary to set public-keys as Ubuntu cloud images (which the OVAs are) only allow SSH key auth from first-boot – no password-only auth. I changed hostname, public-keys, Password, Network and Name. Use govc to pull the OVF spec from the Ubuntu OVA we just downloaded, for customisation (this will output the spec to a file in your current directory called ubuntu.json): govc import.spec ~/Downloads/ | python -m json.tool > ubuntu.json UUID: 1bd33d4e-555f-4d8b-9b77-8d155f612155īuilding the image Extract the OVF spec from the OVA Next, we need to load the variables into our current shell session: source govcvars.shĪt this point we should be able to connect to and query our vCenter: $ govc about I created a file called govcvars.sh with the following content – create one for yourself filling in the relevant details: $ cat govcvars.shĮxport GOVC_INSECURE=1 # Don't verify SSL certs on vCenterĮxport GOVC_URL= # vCenter IP/FQDNĮxport # vCenter usernameĮxport GOVC_PASSWORD=Admin\!23 # vCenter passwordĮxport GOVC_DATASTORE=vsanDatastore # Default datastore to deploy toĮxport GOVC_NETWORK="VM Network" # Default network to deploy toĮxport GOVC_RESOURCE_POOL='*/Resources' # Default resource pool to deploy to With the OVA downloaded, we need to configure a few variables for govc to connect to our vCenter, handily, rather than having to define them on the CLI for every command, we can just export them as variables to our current shell.

ubuntu vmware image for mac

We are going to need the Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Cloud image OVA from Canonical’s repo downloaded to our local machine in order to extract the OVF specifications from it, the OVA can be found here:

Ubuntu vmware image for mac install#

  • govc – brew tap govmomi/tap/govc & brew install govmomi/tap/govc.
  • PowerCLI – pwsh then Install-Module -Name VMware.PowerCLI -Scope CurrentUser.
  • Powershell – brew tap caskroom/cask & brew cask install powershell.
  • I am using macOS, so will be using the brew package manager to install and manage my tools, if you are using Linux or Windows, use the appropriate install guide for each tool, according to your OS.įor each tool I will list the brew install command and the link to the install instructions for other OSes. This post is a guide through making those changes. It turns out that with Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (in particular the cloud image OVA) there are a few things need changed from the base install (namely cloud-init) in order to make them play nice with OS Guest Customisation in vCenter. I wanted a CLI only way to build a VM template for the OS and then deploy that to the cluster. I have been experimenting a lot over the past 18 months with containers and in particular, Kubernetes, and one of the core things I always seemed to get hung up on was part-zero – creating the VMs to actually run K8s.
  • ClusterAPI for vSphere, now with CNS support.
  • Using Velero for K8s Backup and Restore of CSI Volumes.
  • First-look: Automated K8s lifecycle with ClusterAPI.
  • Using cloud-init for VM templating on vSphere.
  • Using the vSphere Cloud Provider for K8s to dynamically deploy volumes.
  • Setting up K8s and the vSphere Cloud Provider using kubeadm.
  • Creating an Ubuntu 18.04 LTS cloud image for cloning on VMware.

  • Ubuntu vmware image for mac